Rodents here, rodents there

The day started with topping up the feeders then sitting on the breakfast bar with a coffee to see who came to visit. The squirrels, any one of the five, are quick off the mark, but there are tree sparrows, blue tits, coal tits, great tits, robins, starlings, dunnocks, pigeons, and the occasional fabulous visitor. Today I spotted something red on a distant fat block. On closer inspection it was a great spotted woodpecker! My camera wasn't within reach (!) so I'll have to keep a beady eye out for this exotic visitor to snap it another time.

Meanwhile, Juno played Mouse around his cushion (see extra pics) in the office space.

Still on a bid to use the cookbooks more (or send them to the charity shop) I rustled up Jamie Oliver's rustic tortilla soup. Nom! It was a hit, though I had to use tangy cheese Doritos instead of plain tortilla chips. My local shops are not geared up for plain varieties of crisp. While on my search, I had a lovely chat with a lady who was looking for quinoa in the Coop. She'd been trying to explain what it was to the security guard who was trying to find it for her. Quinoa is a hard food product to describe. He located its place on a shelf but West Norwood must have had a run on quinoa because they were out of stock. Moments later, I heard an elderly lady ask the security guard if he worked in the Coop. He replied, "Yes, but I don't know very much about it." I reckon he was wary of being asked "Where is the quinoa?" again.

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