Who’s pinching the nuts!!

This little man was chomping on the feeder this morning when I first saw him. I grabbed the camera just before he shinned down. I watched him run across the grass, up the fence, sit to have a little look around, then back down on our side.
He ferreted around behind a bush for a few minutes, then reappeared to shin up the fence and run away with a chestnut in his mouth. I think he must have a stash of nuts behind the bush in our garden, because there is no way that nut would have found it’s way there without help.
It has been a miserable damp afternoon, so I’ve not had a chance to look behind the bush to see if there is any evidence.
Hair appointments this morning, so a trip to the tea room and a taste of a different cake. Full marks today and the picture would have been my blip, but the squirrel won hands down!!!
Then on to Tesco’s to do a big shop, the first since before Christmas. We got two thirds of the way round using the “scan, pack and pay” system when the scanner “died”. We had to rescan all the items and then continue for the rest of the items. Rather time consuming :0(

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