Today, I landed in jail

on my first photo field trip :)
A group of 35 of us had the opportunity to spend the morning in a local prison that's been abandoned for the past 17 years and is usually closed to the public.

This was interesting for several different reasons.
The setting, of course: nothing like decrepit buildings and structures to make for interesting shots (Here's a link to the collection of images from that outing).
The chance to work in HDR: nothing is moving and you have all the time in the world to set up your shots. This'll give me plenty of time and images to practice my merge and editing skills.
[of course none of this ensures that I'll actually have decent shots...]

And finally, observing fellow photographers 'at work.' I felt distinctly under-equiped. I showed up with nothing but my camera and its one lens: no fancy backpack or butt pouches; no field photog's jacket with its gazillion pockets; no hand-held flashes; not even a tripod. And certainly no knee pads and safari boots --these are such fashion faux pas... ;)

Still, nice folks over all. Have a good weekend, all!

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