It was so cold, I couldn't feel my fingers after a half hour! This little red was having similar problems...maybe. Maybe not. Perhaps he was smiling because this silly human braved the elements to visit his neck of the woods with fresh peanuts? More likely.
Had to say 'farewell for now' to my son last night as his leave was up and he had to return to Halifax for the next course (he is at the Naval Engineering School). Bittersweet. Still happy that he is making a life and career for himself and doing quite well at it. A little sad as I have helped him navigate through life for so many years and now I feel a little helpless. Every time I see him, I am reminded of how far he has come but I know that he still struggles with being a social being.
On the bright side, I have arranged to meet up with a friend of mine who I have not seen for 25 years. He is a genius, quite the character, and travels the world now trying to be happy. He is also quite the photographer. I am looking forward to the migraine I shall have after talking to him for hours...he is rather intense? ; )
Cheers everyone!
D x
“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.”
― Ernest Hemingway
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