If I Didn't Have Your Love

(My computer super-hero, Joel, has got me an external keyboard, so I can use my computer again until it's fixed, so grateful.)

Anyway, on way up to Manchester to take youngest back to Uni (still with a painful fractured leg), came off motorway and found this perfect (probably not, but can't think what wasn't) place to have lunch - The Mill at Worston, where I had the best fish finger sandwich I've ever had, in ciabatta - anyway, a recommendation for anyone who does the Birmingham to Manchester run. As I walked out to photograph these alpacas, outlined in sunshine against the frosty field, a heron lifted off from the river at the bottom of the beer garden.

On the way back, at last got to listen to one of my new Leonard Cohen CDs; heck, he puts my deepest feelings into words...

If the sun would lose its light
And we lived an endless night
And there was nothing left
That you could feel
If the sea were sand alone
And the flowers made of stone
And no one that you hurt
Could ever heal
That's how broken I would be
What my life would seem to me
If I didn't have your love
To make it real

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