More Mersey

There's something really disorientating about not stepping outside for the first time until 2pm in the afternoon, especially when everything is still covered in a thick frost. Today I ran the other way up the Mersey, towards Chorlton, and had a lovely time of thinking and processing. I really enjoyed the way the river meandered - meaning that where the sun had hit everything was fresh and green and then a few metres around the corner, everything was still white with frost.

More interesting seminars and conversations today. At conference I generally hear from people who I like and agree with as well as those who I dislike (in style) and sometimes disagree with. It's good and gives balance - it's always easier to listen to people who share the same views and ideas as you, but usually the challenges and growth come from the other set of people. Conversations over meals are usually the same: today I've had some good and edifying conversations but also had to call out some everyday sexism. Such is life with human beings.

I think I'm ready to go home now.

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