little boxes, little boxes

Chris had much of his past life in one of these yellow boxes.  Now - having moved into his own flat - the yellow box has become redundant.  Except for the bits he no longer needs.   Or has room for.   These are now in my garage in numerous little and not so little, boxes.  

There was a time when my garage was the envy of the neighbourhood.  Folks would stop and stare in wonder at the way in which every tool, every bicycle, had an allotted place.  And remained in that place unless in use.  We could even park the car in there as well.

Now we have a surfeit of tools.  Like Noah’s Ark we have two of everything; chop saws, jig saws, tenon saws, rip saws, even a couple of Japanese Pull Saws.  Hammers, drills, chisels, screwdrivers …. and more boxes of screws than B&Q.  You get the idea.

When he gets back from Australia we’re going to rationalise and amalgamate all this stuff.  We’ll just have one of everything, which we’ll share.  The rest will go to WorkAid, a charity which recycles tools and such like, for those who need tools but don’t have them. 

Then order will be restored and once again, I’ll know where to find everything.

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