My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Posing nicely

It was very frosty this morning. This was taken through the glass in the back door... brrrrrr!

Baby L was supposed to have another settling in session at nursery today but she was feeling so rough this morning that we cancelled it. She hardly ate anything yesterday and had a restless night - we were up for two hours between 1 and 3am.

She has really benefitted from a day at home - she's eaten 3 small meals and has been a bit more cheerful. Thank goodness for that. Poor little thing.

I left Baby L with N this morning so I could go into work as planned to make a bit of sense of my office that I am moving back into after a year away. It's a good job I did as it was a bit of a state. I would not have liked to be faced with that on my first proper day back on Thursday when I will have so much else to contend with... not least leaving Baby L at nursery for her first day too.

I had yet another physiotherapist appointment today too. They think they're going to scan my lower back and hips as they don't seem to be getting much better... I have to be seen by another physio first though. Back in a few weeks.

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