Happy Hamp5on

Am back in a wifi area and catching up on blips! Here goes...

My cousin, his wife, and son all arrived today - lovely to see Asha & Harry getting on so well! In the afternoon we met up with the Hendos & Staffords for a walk at Hengistbury Head. My cousin had brought a couple of micro scooters, so the adults had fun racing around and up & down hills! A gorgeous afternoon in one of my favourite places! We walked back over the top of the cliffs, slowly enveloped by the sea mist that rolled in.
That evening Danny & the guys (& my sis!) went to watch Rogue One, whilst Claire & I indulged in the joy of bad TV - Home Alone.

A few extra pics in Flickr...was really tempted to blip Asha, but have put her as an 'extra'...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha & Harry playing SO well...the age gap didn't seem to matter.
2) Auntie Anthea's amazing spag bol...perfect after a long and cold walk.
3) All the fun of watching everyone on the scooters - a lot of laughter!

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