Land yachting

Yesterday's postponed land yachting activity took place today on a beach known in the family as the Frisbee beach, on account of over twenty years ago a young ADS threw a Frisbee which in the wind, landed, rolled, took off again, landed, rolled, took off again etc and was last seen heading towards Svalbard hotly pursued, but only for a while, by the aforementioned ADS.
Not so sunny today but also not so windy. A friend kindly got out his yacht and the braver of us had a go. Here you can see a heroic sail by yours truly. It has to be said the lighter participants did go a fair bit faster and further. A common theme however is that we all got wet, freezing cold hands and totally covered in sand. Exhilarating stuff however.
Out then came the Biolite stove and sausages were cooked on the beach to add to a variety of other excellent produce. The only disappointment was that the pub was shut on the way home.
After a very successful Venison Wellington, courtesy of Charlotte A assisted by sous-chef DS#1, off we trotted to another neighbour's house to help celebrate the New Year. Pipes and accordion much in evidence and again a good time had by one and all. The last night for the assembled sons and girlfriend - everyone looking forward to getting pu at 6 am tomorrow morning.

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