

This is a back blip....dtr and I went to see JLS "tonight".
I have to admit that I wasnt a fan...yes I watch XFactor, thought they're ok and sing along to their songs....but I went for dtr. Bands rarely come up here so the travel down the 120 miles with two friends and their girls was a laugh. We had a good night out.

There was a lot of standing around though.... there were 2 support acts...both were really good...but there was a good 1/2 hr to 45 minute wait between each act before the main even. Not good when the average age of the kids there was 10-15...a lot of the little uns couldnt see. And we were stadning in a park. It rained....just a little.

(and I was "brave"....a woman was standing in front of us smoking and blowing her foul stench our way...everyone was complaining so I tapped her on the shoulder...she wasnt happy and it didnt do any good....but hey, at least I didnt get thumped)

Unfortunately the photos I took on my phone are rubbish.

So instead of a lovely pic of Aston, JB or the other we have my garden.


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