Just Messing About On The - Canal!

We took two spaniels along the canal this morning and came across this boat in one of the locks. We discovered that they do day tours by canal boat out of Falkirk. He "drives" and she does the cooking, etc. Sounds to me like a wonderful way to make a living.
Instead of taking Rona for a walk first thing, we went shopping instead. On our way home, we popped in to see what Ali & Euan were up to. The outcome was that we took Isla up the road and for a walk, hence the two dogs down the canal, then Ali & Euan joined us for lunch.
Later we took Rona down the wood to see how the timber felling was progressing. On a whim (moment of madness!) we started tramping across the felled area, through trimmings, across (and into!) hidden ditches and all the rest. To cap it all, the rain, which had so far stayed off, came on and when we finally reached civilisation home, we were absolutely soaked!
D'you know, that is quite enough for one day.

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