Festive Fly

Today's lesson: White balance matters. That's all I'm going to say on this subject, other than the fact that I've found out how to change the auto white balance on my 20D - by accident.

Merry Christmas to all of you in blipland.

After a very late night at Midnight Mass, I surfaced around 9 am to a phone call from my folks in the UK. Good to talk to you guys. Counting down the days til you come over now. :)

Off to breakfast with some fellow 'displaced' folk and then a walk on the beach with Cousteau. Much rolling in nasty things and much stick fetching from the sea to clean him up.

Home now to a bit of R&R and to cook the chicken. I'm off out again in a couple of hours to have tea with some friends.

I got a digital photoframe from Canterbury to display some of my photos, which was very kind of him.

Off to snooze on the couch for an hour or so.

Hope you're all having a good day. :)

This fly was floundering in a glass of orange juice. In return for his posing, I tipped him out onto the grass where he was last seen crawling away.

Edit: I've just had a fiddle in PS and it looks a bit better.

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