Rebel till the day I die

When Logan died in October we had him cremated with the intention of scattering his ashes where he used to walk.
This, apparently is Verboten* **, if you cremate a person here, you have to then bury the casket, you can't just take it away with you to store on a shelf/build a shrine to/put on the mantelpiece. Animals are a different matter, you can keep the ashes but you're still not supposed to scatter them...

Whoopsie, such a shame that I tripped over that stone as I was looking down through the hole I'd poked in the top of the (designed to be) shakeable container of ashes. Clumsy me.

Logan liked this place, it's still my favourite view and now it sparkles a little bit more.

* please say this in your sternest German accent, makig sure to pronounce the 'V' as an 'F'.
** = forbidden.

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