2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Green woodpecker

Went for a walk around the Harris Gardens and lake at the University. We made use of the wheelchair and it coped reasonably well with the terrain. This green woodpecker was bobbing up and down in the Harris Gardens but let us watch for a while and get a bit closer before it took off. There were lots of birds on the lake - cormorants, gulls, ducks, Canada geese and Egyptian geese. 

As we were going back to the car, we spotted some tiny goldcrests in one of the large trees. It was great to watch them turning upside down and foraging in the branches. They seemed to be in a gang of finches and tits. 

A sucessful trip out and a bit of a change for A. 

Cooked our Christmas meal in the evening and managed to get everyone round the table for crackers, silly jokes and a quick round of charades. 

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