
By adyclick


We have had the most amazing experience today.
Having set off from our hotel and walked to the beautiful church of Santa Maria Maggiore who's magnificence was awe inspiring, and after spending a good hour there.

Then we walked to the Colosseum WOW ! This fantastic construction some 48 metres high, was built in just ten years, and opened in AD 80. The name Colosseum is a nickname due either to it's collosal size or to the 120 foot statue of Nero.
The true name as given by the Romans is the Flavian Amphitheatre. Taking a guided tour, which was recommended to us by friends we spent a good hour learning more than we are told in the films and dramas on the TV. And as pensioners we got in free saving 12 euros each.

We then went into the wonderful Palatino a ginormous building where we now get the word Palace.

The Vestal Virgins from the ages of 6 and 10 had to remain so for thirty years and it was their duty to guard the eternal flame. Then after their 30 years they were released to go and enjoy life. Hence the saying Life begins at forty

In my blip today of the magnificent Flavian Amphitheatre you can see the areas for seating. The wooden floor that you can see - at one time covered the entire area ,and was covered in sand (the Roman word for sand - Arena ) And below is where the Gladiators congretated before they went to fight each other.

The day would start with animals fighting each other, then there were the public executions and finally the highlight of the day the gladiators

.After what was a very tiring day being 96 degrees in the shade and walking in full sun we hope we havn't over done things because we are to meet our guide tomorrow at 0815 at the other side of Rome to visit the Vatican. It's all go.

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