Misbehavin !!
Evening all,
I don't say we all ought to , but we ought to look as if we could misbehave - Orson Welles
Like a good boy I helped and hung the washing out.........Mini G pulled it off the line and ran away with it !! Likewise I tidied up......Mini G ran away with the cleaning materials.....I wouldn't have minded but it wasn't like she was helping any !!!! ;0)
How does one so small manage to do a poo the nappy can't contain.....yes....i had THAT privilege to do too....and she never wants to lie still....its like a juggling act with an added danger....get it wrong and oh boy....Poo City!! ;0)
The sun has come out this evening.....friends are down so everyone enjoying time in the garden.....Mini G and Leah are playing away brilliantly together......they are going to be a handful in later years....!! ;0)
Maybe one day I'll fix the slope in the garden lol ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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