Happy Newrdy

It's been a chilly day, with wintery showers.  There's been clear skies and sunshine, a good start to 2017 :) 

I had a great night out last night, but that resulted in a long lie today, so missed a chunk of the morning.  I finally got out with Sammy, and the big walk cleared the head.  Chinese takeaway for tea, and then up to friend Julie's for my birthday drams, and the darts too.  Might be another late night with friends :)

I took in the new year at the pub with friends, and I ended up rather drunk!  Since it is my birthday on the first, Vera let pull the cord to release the balloons at the bells.  You can see Robert Setrice an Gordon Laverie up to nonsense in the background.  Taken in the Kiln Bar, Scalloway.  I wish you all a happy and healthy 2017, Happy New Year.  

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