Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

No end in sight

I think we still have five boxes of mince pies left. 

So as on many previous New Year's days it chucked down with rain today. Thoughts of blowing away cobwebs with fresh air got consumed by a late start (we didn't get to bed until 3.30am),  another brace of Game of Thrones episodes (two hours of blood and dark magic), and general torpor. Not that I'm complaining. I was in good company and it was certainly restful. I also finally (a week late) managed to cook up one of our two Christmas puddings. Very nice it was too. 

Did have a really nice FaceTime with the Girl Racer in Canada who was grinning at getting a huge tip for her latest dog sitting job. It's a big sideline on the ski slopes of Whistler Blackcombe. 

So its tree down time tomorrow, and then on Tuesday The Dizzle and I are going out in London - a father and son day before he goes off on his travels next week. I think it might involve alcohol and male bonding ... Then back to work on Wednesday. A very busy few weeks ahead which will mean psychologically gearing up as I am so relaxed from the Christmas break this year ...

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