
Somehow we managed to drink a alarming amount of Champagne over Christmas. Please don't think for a moment that this is normal behaviour! Over the past few months we've been given quite a lot so we kept it all and had a big Champagne tasting on Christmas morning. As it was probably the best Christmas lunch I've ever cooked I shall insist on vast quantities of Champagne in Christmas mornings from now on.
I do suspect there is a strong connection between this and the fact that I've still got flipping gout!
It is getting better so hopefully a few days avoiding cheese, rich meats, wine and beer will completely sort it.

Today was my annual photo archive day. Backing them up to various systems here and on some cloudy thing or other. Takes an age but at least I know they are all safe just in case...

Just in case what eh?

I noticed that I kept a lot less photos last year than normal. I think I have become much better at deleting them as I process. I really need to go through the several hundred thousand RAW files from previous years and tidy them all up. Mind you there is little point, I should probably just delete them all as I have the jpg's and frankly when will I ever need them?

Anyway I hope you've all had a super start to the year.

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