Mr and Mrs Blackbird

Today’s main picture is of a male Blackbird, his mate is included as an extra. These two were taking turns at this hanging bird table, but I did not see them together. Today’s pictures were taken through a none too clean kitchen window!

It has been dull, wet and cold all day; not the best weather to start the New Year. I do not make New Year resolutions, but I do intend to lose the last three kilos, hopefully before too long, which will take me to the weight I want to be. However, there are still a lot of interesting items of food in the house, such as chocolates and cake so I think it might be a while before I manage to do so.
What else will the year contain, well one thing is for sure, there will be many trips to Addenbrookes Hospital with my husband. Maybe the house will be completed and I will have a kitchen once again.
On the first of January I usually look back over my journal for the previous year and give some figures about what I have posted during the year. When I first began blipping, someone said that my journal was boring and consisted of 90% flowers. Well this year it consisted of 20% of flower pictures, with 9% showing cats and 8% for birds. These figures seem quite low compared to other years so maybe my tagging system has gone wrong! This year I will also tag, ‘wild animals’ and ‘Cambridge’; if I remember!


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