and through the wire...

By hesscat

The year that was

Despite it being a new year, I will treat this blip as the last year, the end of blip year 3. It seems a pesky leap year brings forward my official year end by one day. On the other hand, it seems suddenly I have 100 extras I can use... I had thought they were in a rolling year, so what the heck, I am going to use one already.

So despite some of the miseries of 2016 that will dog us for years to come, it didn't treat is too bad. I'll have lots of memories blipfoto will help me remember when I've forgotten about them!

We spent Hogmanay this evening at a friends, with friends and a jolly time was had. The blip is an excuse to drink shots of Quetila (not my words) by pressing a tooth inside a bulldog's mouth and if it bites you, you drink one. This game... does it have a name?... had developed over a year or so...I remember it had shots of brown and tomato sauce one year... boak. 

Laughs were had, even Ms H had a shot... don't worry, there were juice shots in there too. The extra was during a Just Dance Off which gives the kids a chance to laugh at the auld yins!

So, need to get my sleep, we've got a new year to begin tomorrow... we've got some battening down of some hatches to get on with!

Er.. Happy New Year when it comes... er...

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