Same Old Same Old

What a normal day with things that typically piss me off and make me rage!

I had a message from eldest asking me if I was ok - she is her mothers daughter. We chatted and arranged I will cook them a meal and we will talk about their mum, my Friend. They just want to talk about her. 
Then the allotment - pleased to see the bale was pretty well intact and the girls were enjoying jumping on, sleeping on and pecking at it! More cardboard to spread over my neglected second plot. 

Rage No 1
I had noticed big clods of earth along the edge of my plot and was a little confused as to whether it was where I had been trying to make some clearnance or whether it was the bloke next to me who seemed to dump his stuff on my plot as he dug over his. I had been throwing it back his side but maybe he still had not got my subtle message! I took a long look at my edge further up where on his side he still had to dig. If anything appeared here i would go for him with certainty! Then my eye was caught by my strawberry patch - it looked flatter somehow. Then I realised why - my wooden frame with metal hinges to keep it square was no longer there! Someone had taken it, hence the clods of earth where they had dug it out! I went storming round the plot next to me and opposite me. The opposite plot holder was new and Old Timer had told me a while back he had seen him taking wood off others plots - I presumed he meant off empty plots not mine!  Now my second plot was left all last year, but is now covered in a huge piece of carpet at the front and cardboard from my food boxes is creeping gradually over the rest - so obvious someone is working it wouldn't you think? Which is beside the point - whoever took it should have cleared with the chairman that the plot was empty before he started doing a salvage job. Strong email venting my spleen to chairman when I got home!

I left the allotment and decided to drive into the village to see if the mist I could see laying in the valley was making the viaduct look photographic.Down the narrow single traffic road I got stopped by a Tesco van unloading - I was in no hurry and rather than reverse uphill and go down the even narrower road i waited. So many crates of food being delivered, so many empty crates being collected - someone was planning a party! 

Rage No 2! 
After 10 minutes the driver closed his doors, looked up at me and pointed up the hill - he couldn't seriously mean he intended reversing up it? He bloody well did! Absolutely incredible! He knew I was waiting yet didnt tell me till he was ready? 
Now you may know from previous blips that I abhor Tesco as a supermarket for their total disregard for any standards re Litigation, Price-fixing, Corporate tax structure, Opposition to expansion, Halal in UK stores, Horse meat found in burgers, Slavery in Thailand, Sale of goods from Israel, Mothballing of new stores, Suppliers. I get incensed that people in the village who proclaim on rights and causes on so many issues use it as their main shop - " Oh but you get points" they cry! To spend in Tesco, for a trip to legoland, airmiles etc - which maybe they would not do otherwise and results in more spending and just continued unquestioning loyalty to the all mighty Tesco! 
I was not a happy chicken - typical behaviour from Tesco I thought as I raged and reversed up the hill! I think he could not turn the tight corner if he went down, so no point forcing the point,but he could have told me! 

I finally got into the village - no mist evident but Muscovies as usual all over the place! Loved this ones Teddy Boy style quiff! Back home to tidy up the kitchen and generally pootle around and reply to so many wonderful blippers for their words of condolence. It made me cry all over again but it was cathartic and I was touched again by such thoughtfulness and caring - thank you so much for being here for me.
  Early evening Vegan Jo's partner knocked on my door as he occasionally does as he likes a natter and my coffee - he'd had a row with her and had come out to cool off! So we had a couple of hours talking Friend, death, life, principles, humour, books, the village etc - both of us ranting as we normally do about the same old bugbears! 

Same old same old day! Usual occurrences, annoyances, rages, pleasures, features. 

I had realised as leaving the allotment that  the anxiety about the day had gone. The anxiety that I have had every day for the last two years - thinking about how she was, what the day would bring for her and therefore for me. I could also acknowledge that she was now released from her pain - physical and emotional.  

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