
By SkiMe

Good Morning and Goodbye!

Sad to be leaving. 

Always sweet and sour at the end of an adventure. 

Nice to go home, but sad to leave.   

Always better to be arriving - where ever and when ever. 

I wish I could come here more often... 

A fun and tough few days.  Mr JC still has a cough from his xmas cold, but doing much better.  CC has been pretty rock solid and doesn't complain much even when she has a cough.  Mrs C is my first sweetheart and still feeling very rough.  I am nursing my back after falling sideways after a stupid showboat maneuver yesterday - which I can't remember falling doing the same thing for such a long long time, such is the perfection.  My norm to do rotating spirals in front of CC to slow down and keep her pace while having fun to keep a bit of face time while we slide down the mountain.  It is actually very easy - just to time rotation with the edge engagement and toe/heel pressure.

I thought I was just coming down with the flu until after dinner when I couldn't nearly get up or sit down from the bed.  Good pain meds are always welcome, but the relief can't come soon enough.  So we escaped with our tail between the legs this morning... my parting shot before getting in the car to lumber the long road home (still in immense back pain, but much better tonight).

Sliding into the new year...

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