
Last night I read that there had been sightings of 2 snowy owls not far from our house, so decided to go look for them early this morning. Tom came along, and although we looked & looked, we didn't see them. The light was beautiful though, & I hated not to take some pictures, so Tom obligingly drove me down the road a bit to the Port of Milwaukee, where we nosed around for awhile. A fascinating place--a couple of ships moored at the docks (although it's fenced in so you can't get too close) & lots of industrial businesses. There was a big tanker docked at the pier off to the right of my picture & it was off- loading salt, which is what you can see shooting out onto a huge pile. The front end loader is scooping it up and putting it into dump trucks which are then taking it to the other side of the port where it's stored until it's needed. (for those of you who don't live in places with severe winter storms--when a bad winter storm is forecast, or if it's already started to snow, the salt trucks are sent out to spread the salt over the roads--it helps to melt the snow faster & makes for safer road conditions). When we finished snooping around I treated Tom to breakfast for being so endlessly patient with all my: "Stop!", "Back up!", "Go that way!", "No! Don't turn there!", "What's over there?"   instructions/suggestions!   Haha!  A fun morning!

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