Another day...another walk in the woods. Icy once again with the bit of a cold snap after all that wet snow yesterday. Woods were much quieter today but it was good to get out for a walk in the stillness.
This little chickadee was quick to fly up to me...hoping for some seed (obliged). The extra is actually from yesterday...I was taking photos of the cardinals when I felt a tug on my hood. This cheeky little one was pulling at my hood...I slowly held a peanut out and it so nimbly took the peanut out of my hand and then continued to sit there eating it. Very sweet...and unusual for the squirrels. They usually grab and run!
I have three families wanting photos now....and all the children are ill with the flu. I am grateful that no illness has been in my home this holiday!
Take care everyone : )
The good man is the friend of all living things.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
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