The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Refuse Collection

This is the Dustbin Man. Well, we don't have proper dustbins out here so technically he is the refuse collection man. All the people put their rubbish into bags, sorting out the food items, plastic items and bottles. This guy collects the big rubbish bags. There is a guy who collects food rubbish...his cart absolutely stinks, I don't know how he copes with the smell. Other people cycle about on normal bikes with hessian sacks strapped to either side, collecting plastic. And a little man wanders the streets shouting...he collects the glass bottles. Well, at least I think that is what he is saying!!

Today was a grey day so after eggs and the gym I settled on the roof to read a book for a little while, making the most of the cool breeze. I did some work, ate lunch, worked a little more and took a walk for half an hour. Paul came home and we treated ourselves, going to the local bakery for a cup of tea and a piece of cake. It had to be tea...their expresso machine had broken...normally they run out of milk! Then afterwards I tried to FaceTime my school so that I could be part of our SLT meeting but their connection didn't work. So, after dinner we settled to watch some BBC Entertainment that is on one of the indian TV channels. No idea what it was but it kept me amused for half an hour...normally I can't sit still enough to watch the TV for that long!

By the way...I saw Little Lady, Mummy, Daddy and both the pups today for a quality biscuit feeding session. They are all looking well!

STOP PRESS: If you read about our earthquakes then never fear, we are fine! There were two local quakes, one on Thursday night at 10.30pm our time measured 5. This morning, Friday, a second one struck at 9.40am and measured at 4.4. And we didn't feel a thing!!!!!

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