AbstractThursday79 Natural

Today I managed to photograph both ends of the day: well almost.  Mr MC returned to worked, at least for this morning.  The sky was so clear and beautiful and the air so frosty, that I decided to pop over to Linder's Field with my camera, leaving a still sleeping Violet in the care of her aunt.I was too late at 8.15 to see the sunrise itself, but the light was wonderful and I was pleased with my shots.
The picture I've chosen was actually taken in our garden after I came back -  a frosty web with our garden reflected in the droplets.
 A branch catching the sunlight in its frozen droplets is my first extra.  I couldn't resist adding another shot - not abstract of course, taken very late this afternoon when Zeus09smum and I took a walk around a rather frozen Connaught Water.

This week our host Ingeborg has asked us to present a natural abstract, letting nature do the work, rather than ourselves and all my shots fulfil that brief: just a little sharpening, cropping and colour adjustment but definitely no playing in PS or Prisma today!

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