Abstract ......

 ........... Thursday79 ...... (AT79).

I faffled and fartnarkled just a little before I read the brief - oooops, sorry, Ingeborg (and thank you for hosting again this week).

I suppose I could try and pretend that this was a frosty yew branch from the front garden that I submerged in the tropical fish tank and then shone a bright light through the surface of the water before donning my scuba gear (it's a very large tank - lol) and taking the photo from below ...... couldn't I???  Maybe????

Whichever, whatever, this is my contribution for the abstract challenge this Thursday.   :o))

Yesterday was a different garden-y thing for WildWed - and I suppose tomorrow will be yet another for FlowerFriday30 (no twist)!!

Hope your Thursday is/was a good one.

~ Anni ~

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