Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris

On the Fringe

An interesting day in Edinburgh today for me (Annie). I attended a company event for senior women in IT: on the surface not my kind of thing, as I don't think of myself as a woman in IT. Yes, I work in IT, but I rarely notice I'm outnumbered in gender, and I've not felt it affects me. I only really notice at technical conferences (nearly all men, but no queues for the ladies toilets) and events like today. Perhaps it was growing up with a mum who was a programmer in those early days of computing - I just never questioned that I couldn't or shouldn't do the more technical things. Despite my reservations it was a very interesting and balanced event: although I did smile to see that the attendee bags contained a number of things including a big bar of chocolate and lip balm.

I spent the evening wandering in amongst the madness that is the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. This man caught my eye - a friendly, animated conversation in the middle of the street with his trousers round his ankles. I think (hope) he was giving out leaflets...

I realised that yesterday was Earth Overshoot Day. This day marks the date when we have exhausted nature's budget for the year. The day is moving earlier each year, and I was sad to see I commemorated it by flying to Edinburgh. Things have to change.

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