Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


China - Day 14

Our final destination. So much to see, and so little time. The air quality is bad, but not as bad as it was earlier in the week.

First to Tiananmen Square, very busy with visitors from all over China. Many come wearing their traditional costumes - and everyone is taking pictures. We are frequently asked to feature, it's a free-for-all. A huge queue snakes round and round the centre - waiting to visit Mao's Mausoleum. We are very relieved when we don't join it.

Next is the Forbidden City. Vast, teeming with domestic tourists, it somehow feels souless. Or maybe I am flagging.

Happily we finish the day in the large park surrounding the Temple of Heaven. This seems to be the province of local people, and again we see all sorts of recreational activities in progress.

Under a long canopy, men play Chinese chess while others look on intently. It's a serious business.

Out on the grass, we join in a version of badminton, and try out some of the gym equipment. I'm afraid we don't shine in any areas, but at least we provide some innocent amusement. And feature in a some more selfies.

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