Operation Grandad

Phew.....Ive finally uploaded a new Blip so you can stop having to hide the last one from Little eyes....I do apologise for that but it just summed up my day.....all better now!

So Mr W had a right old telling off and boy did I go to town, but I felt so much better afterwards AND he didn't argue back!! He did however say 'sorry' about 375 times! He didn't remember most of what he said and realised he might have over-reacted a bit. He is now banned from drinking...either that or I take Duck tape next time he does!!

Mr W and I then dropped Samuel Squidget off to his dads so he could pick up his car ready for his epic journey back to Newquay. A journey that should have taken 4 and a half hours ended up being 9!!! Poor boy. I did miss him and had a little grizzle to myself as I drove away. I don't know when we will be back to Cornwall to see him so it seems like forever till I see him again.

Mr W and I then went to his Daughters for our belated Christmas dinner. Wanting to continue with his punishment, I suggested to Emelia that she played a whole array of board games with him - here they are playing Operation which actually made Emelia jump everytime it buzzed. It was hilarious.

Erica cooked a lovely meal. I don't always feel very comfortable in their house as it also belongs to Mr W's ex and his son-in-law rarely speaks to me but I was still feeling quite assertive after Mr W's proper telling off so I kept talking to Jim to make him talk to me!!

But the girls had a nice day and both seemed to like their presents and that's what matters. I do still believe Christmas is all about Family and being nice to each other and making an effort. And so we did!


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