All you need is love

By pascolicious

Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas Eve!!

I did some last minute Christmas shopping today. Then came home and bummed around. I framed my present from Kittie and my dad hung it up for me.

My uncle is in town from Ohio. He came over for dinner. We just ate Chinese food. This is the first year that my grandparents have not come over for Christmas Eve. Due to the weather, they stayed in Arkansas. It's also the first year that we've eaten out for Christmas Eve dinner. My mom usually cooks dinner, however, since my grandparents weren't here and we weren't sure if my uncle would be here today, she didn't prepare. Plus, my parents have been working on our kitchen non-stop for the past week. It's ALMOST finished.

After dinner, I helped my mom decorate cookies!!

Now I'm watching a Christmas Carol.

Oh, and I'd like to note that I got the best Christmas present ever tonight ;)

Hopefully, all of you blippers have been good this year for Santa!
Have A Wonderful Holiday!
Love, Nicole and Sally :)

A year ago today...underwear!

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