living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Two of us

We had a lovely day today at Sling Meet's third birthday party picnic in the park. It didn't even rain though I came prepared with all sorts of rain implements. That's probably why it stayed away, it likes to catch me when the children are only in T- shirts and I've not brought anything else. Cleo spent all afternoon running around with the other kids and Ash spent most of the time asleep on my chest while I ate cake! I took a lot of pictures but I couldn't resist this one of Cleo and her newfound friend J wandering off into the brush so sweetly.

Ash has his first tooth and I wasn't even the one who noticed it. It was Kalynda who was playing with him on his back and making him giggle that saw the tiny nub protruding from his little gums. First tooth with no fuss! I know not to get too excited, though, as I'm sure it was the same with Cleo but that doesn't mean that teeth #2 through 20 will be equally as easy.

Cleo quote of the day-
(while eating rice) " I can't get the rice on my fork, it's too wobbly."

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