In Search of Color

I know I've mentioned it WAY  too much, but I don't like it around mid-November when we lose our color...and everything turns gray. So, on occasion, I have to go in search of color. Today, I went to a big shopping mall about 25 miles away. The mall has a HUGE outdoor store.

Other than the two stuffed Sockeye Salmon, I spared you the pictures of the mounted animals, and instead went with decoys and toys.

I was so into it that I grabbed one of the hats and horses, and galloped around the gift section. And, forget the brown...I WENT WITH THE BRIGHT PINK!!

YEE-HA!! Two little kids gave me the stink-eye, and their mother shooed them away from me, but I felt like Spring itself...rising from the gray.

That's what color will do for you.

"Look at that crazy boy," said the duck decoy.

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