Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Cold start

Lovely long walk this morning, frosty start.

Visit to mum - took her a clock/radio for her room for when she is in bed so that she has some background noise.

On to a famous electrical store - purchased a Nespresso machine (our Tassimmo broke months ago and haven't replaced until now). But of a drama as when we got home there was a piece missing, so OH had to go back to get it rectified.

On to the supermarket for a bit if shopping.

A friend visited late afternoon, with her mum, for coffee, mince pie/biscuit and catch up of Christmas/family news.

Having missed out on our usual Boxing Day meal, for tea we had cold turkey, cold ham, crinkle chips and beans. Mmmm - followed by cold Christmas pudding. Finished the bank holiday nicely. :)

Back to work tomorrow ........


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