Darkling Woods

Trip to Perth today which made for a pleasant change. On the drive back I had this song stuck in my mind, and old favourite of mine and it seemed apt today.....

I decided to take the Poppy dog out tonight instead of the big softy lurcher. She likes a good romp so we headed up to the woods. The slopes up were still very sticky and muddy and it was all I could do not to go a*** over whatsit on a number of occasions! I have brief moments of panic that I will be found days later on my back like an upturned sheep unable to get back up!

In such a situation I can only pin my hope on Poppy and hope that in true Enid Blyton stylee she would run back home and inform the authorities. :) Knowing my luck she would tell them I was down a well ;-)

I digress....the light when I wasn't hanging on to a tree was quite pretty and delicate as the sun started to dip behind the hill. May look better large?

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