Loch Lomond from Duncryne Hill

This morning, just for a look at something different, we drove across to the village of Gartocharn which lies just south of Loch Lomond. There is a small hill, Duncryne, which sits above the village and this is the view from the top. Although not much more than a pimple, geographically speaking, it was a tricky climb for us. Started just fine with an uphill stroll through woodland then across a field of ankle deep mud. "We can't go over it and we can't go under it" so we paddled! There followed a steep climb up a path strewn with slippery dead leaves. But it was well worth it!
The only thing about reaching the top was knowing that we still had to slip/slide/paddle our was back to the car.
A little later and home again, paws and belly washed, Rona had to dry off a bit. Us humans were rather better off, just changing muddy trousers and washing down our boots. After her mud bath, Rona is now dried off and snoozing contentedly beside me.

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