Christmas Eve

A lovely Christmas Eve with the family.

We set out to Waitrose to get our last bits and pieces which was humming with activity as only Xmas Eve can be.

T took C bowling and they then scooted into town to meet us.

Lovely lunch together and then we set off for the crib service. T played, C didn't want to dress up and R was an angel. I ended up in an adult Angel costume to marshal the little ones and keep them vaguely around the crib scene!

It was magical at the front, I could see the whole church which was packed to the rafters, including Grandma and Grandpa watching. Little R sat on my knee I think she was amazed and didn't wriggle anything like normal! C joined us after a bit to watch too! Special memories.

Stockings and treats out and 2 excited children to bed.

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