weird non-week at work where everyone is in christmas mode and I'm trying not to catch edith's cold. daisy's last night at band for 2016. she was upset tonight after watching the boy in the striped pyjamas at school. I tried to distract her by putting on die hard but she was still upset after band. here's her tellyhead drawing...she didn't want to call it that but I can't think of another way to describe it.

I went in to see peggy's teacher after school to chase up the bullying that went on on friday and also let them know I wasn't impressed with the way it had been handled by the stand-in supply drama teacher. you can't have six kids against one in a meeting and allow the six to say what they think about the one kids personality and looks. it was a different teacher so she took note and passed it to the head teacher. when we got home we looked out an outfit for pegs christmas party. I really felt for her, it's tough being picked on when she just wants to enjoy christmassy things and be excited. that wee miya kid is always at the heart of the bullying too. nae happy.

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