Waiting for Santa

While OilMan waited for Santa, I was getting a wonderful gift via an email from our former neighbor, for whom I testified in family court in September. He wrote:
"2 years 5 months, 2 weeks from the time our family drama began, this is almost over. (My attorney) emailed early this morning that we won! In that moment my psyche went from high anxiety to elation...

There will always be a very, very special place in my heart for you being there and thank you for giving the children a voice..."

I am really touched by his note and very happy that things have turned out well for him. It is a sign of how much his attorney cared for him that he contacted him on Christmas morning. It has been quite a saga.

Our Christmas Day celebration has varied little since Peter was an infant and Will insisted on stopping and playing with each toy before he moved on to the next. The festivities began at dawn, and by 6pm we were all ready for bed. What has changed is that we have all grown up old. We don't have to get up at dawn anymore but we still go to bed counting our blessings....

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