
By PaulaJ

Something else you've always wanted to know!

Wet day in Carlisle, so here is another 'we walk past without noticing' blip.

The Guildhall in the city centre is the oldest vernacular building. Built in 1407, it was the meeting place of the City's trade guilds (Merchants, Smiths, Weavers, Tailors, Butchers, Tanners, Skinners and Glovers, and Shoemakers) and each guild had its own room. It is a three-storey, half-timbered building and inside much of the early timber work has survived. On the exterior are 'grotesques' added in 1844 and cast in plaster from a carving in the Cathedral. No idea why!!

Apparently, in the Guildhall is a Museum, which houses some important historic treasures, mainly relating to the guilds. I have to admit to not even knowing there was a museum there.

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