Christmas Cheer

Another wild day of wind, rain and more wintery showers.  

A fine long lie in, no need to get up early on Christmas morning.  I finally got going, and managed to get out with Sammy, although not much of a day to walk far!  Santie Paws has been to both Sammy and Archie, and both full bellies :)  I went up to friends for Christmas dinner, and now relaxing on the sofa with classic Christmas movies.  Off to a friend's house tonight for a glass of wine, maybe a Bailey's too. 

Madeline had the full spread on the table today, starting with prawn Marie and a glass of champagne.  It was later followed with turkey and all the trimmings, and of course, I had to have a second plate!  The sherry trifle for pudding was superb too.  Thanks again Madeline, and Merry Christmas to all :)  L-R - Peerie Brian, Stewart, Big Brian and Madeline, taken on Berry Road, Scalloway. 

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