The Poor Boy

An awful night of gales, thunder and lightning, sleet and hail, and then the power went off.  Poor Ollie was terrified, he paced and he ran up and down the stairs, he whined and just couldn't settle. I tried to encourage him up on the bed for a cuddle, but he  wouldn't risk it.  

The power came on before I got up, thankfully, and about 7am I let him (Ollie, not Mike!) out for a pee.  Just at that moment there was a flash of lightning and a massive clap of thunder.  Poor lamb!  He's been staying very close to me today, and has been helping me preparing tomorrow's veg in kitchen this afternoon, eating bits of raw carrot.  

The hens aren't happy either.  Because of the avian flu risk they are in a small bird proof pen, which is now just mud after all the wet weather.  They are spending a lot of time in their coup, but although it's fine for them to sleep in, it's not very big for the four of them all the time. They are getting lots of tasty treats and interesting greenery but they are obviously not enjoying life.  Hopefully the restrictions will be lifted soon and they can go back to being free range again.

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