Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Good old Hebden Bridge!

Squally showers, I love the word squally, but I think it is bob on for describing the weather today. Dash took on the epic winds, rain showers, hail and sunshine today...and victorious she was indeed! :-D

It was great fun and exhilarating being braver than the elements :-P There was the added bonus of a free bit of skin exfoliation I reckon too ;-) 

I spotted this window in Blazing Saddles as we went through Hebden Bridge and just had to take a photo. It will be a year since the horrific Boxing Day floods on Monday...what a difference a year makes.

I am now in my pyjamas all ready for an evening of nail painting and a classic game of Spot the Intro, before watching Grantchester :-) 

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