
By PixelChristi

Storm Babs Bedragglement

That's us on holiday. All of us. Thank goodness for that.

The Kid was hugely bedraggled when she walked down from school to meet me, all grown up stylee, in the local coffee house. Storm Babs had a good go at us through the day. Brought a tree down across the road just a couple of doors down from us too. 

Here, she's engrossed in researching idioms to draw, inspired by one of my creative conspirators who slogged away for months and months to represent "A storm in a teacup" in the most beautiful way possible.  

I've just bought the Affinity Designer and Photo packages ( Designer I'm impressed by, Photo has potential but I'm not jumping ship yet). I can install them on two machines*, so The Kid is getting it on her machine and has promised she's going to learn the tools. 

If she can design me a good  representation of "chip off the old block" I'll be happy.

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