A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Christmas games

These are the faces when Anna trumps Grandma's queen in a game of German Whist. That aside I love this picture for Albi. She was in a similar pose for the 2 further Monopoly sessions J and I had earlier. We are delighted and relieved that after more than 5 hours of gameplay it is now over. Jackson won in quite a relentless and ruthless manner combining asset stripping and loan sharking with aplomb. The cards were this afternoon when my folks dropped in on their way to stay with one of my brothers. Whilst Anna was demolishing Grandma at cards, Jackson was doing the same with Grandpa at chess. Jackson then beat them both at cards. They took it well.

There has also been baking and I was tempted to wait until the dinosaur topped mince pies were ready but maybe you'll be lucky enough to get them tomorrow.

Still no wrapping done and we have to go and buy sand for Albi's present. If Christmas is ruined I blame Monopoly.

And before you call the RSPCA the dog was taken for a walk and did just about avoid humiliating us in front of Clare Balding. So all is good.

Lesley x

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