Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Wild things

Wild things - more

Today I got news I'll be featured on Groupon for 300 boudoir sessions. In three days. Yep.

So after a big morning swimming, Callum in lessons (he now swims about 6ft by himself ducked head under water), Reuben in school, that's what I've been doing this afternoon, organizing the schedule to accept the shoots, booking hair & makeup and assistants, business matters like tax and redemption, outsourcing other parts of my business and generally being happily busy. When you own your own business and in branding terms, your name is your business, you work hard. I'm an utter perfectionist. I studied marketing and branding - I'm a Chartered Marketer gleaned in the 90s - and now it applies to me. Sorry, that's spiel...

Tonnes of wrangling to get the shot.
5 minute edit
Beautiful session
I adore the levels in this

Thanks nursie Kristina for helping with this in wrangling the boys.

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