
By BikerJim

~Centering Sunset~

~The Power Of Image Therapy~

I felt a bit unhinged today, not sure why, just that feeling one gets when things don't quite seem right. If it was more of a severe case of lunacy or coming completely unglued I would hopefully have a better handle on what the problem could be. But it is just that little nagging feeling you get when things aren't quite in alignment. As the day wore on I realized that just one day of feeling strange isn't as bad as a whole bunch of days strung together with this scene of weirdness. So I'll just move on and muddle through till a brighter tomorrow.

Turns out I didn't have to wait for a new day to arrive to get back to center. I went out and shot some sunset images this evening and these arcane feelings I've had all day long just magical disappeared. Art really is therapeutic, it has the ability to enliven the spirit and boost the ego.

You might want to give it a try next time your feeling a bit low or things seem out of sorts. Even if it takes some effort to get out, just do it, go for a walk and photograph. The effort expended will come back multi-fold, trust me, it happened to me today.

See you all tomorrow, ok?
TucsonJim ;o)

A Bigger Shrink

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