Going the extra mile

Today we had our work function, a very nice meal of Rotisserie Rolled Pork cooked in the BBQ, Chicken, Ham, Potatoes and salads. The day started out in making jobs safe or finishing off. I was given a box of beer from some Plumbers I had done work for, that's 48 stubbies that will take around 24 -30 days to consume not a big drinker. I went to a property where I did some Leak detection and picked up the mess the Plumber left behind. When I did this job a couple of weeks ago, I went back later in the evening as the traffic noise was too great and could not get a good indication. This afternoon when we were having our lunch, the home owner popped into work with a Card and Bottle of wine a wonderful thank you gift for going that extra mile. I showed my Manager the card and he said he would raise an SFI ( suggestion for improvement) this is for making changes or suggestions and also for recognition and compliments. The envelope read To Mario the Fixit Leak Specialist.
The card read: Thank you for your efforts and support in helping to clarify the 'Leak' in our driveway, you are a scholar and a gentleman. Our best wishes to your Wife and Family for the festive season. When I spoke with T and J this morning and told them everything was cleaned up and asphalted and all before Christmas, T could not thank me enough for going out of my way to have the repair work done. I found the leak some 35m away from his street shutoff valve on the busiest Road in Timaru. He showed me a photo of the plumber doing the repair and his water pipe was almost 1 metre deep and when I saw the size of the stones that come out of the hole I am pleased I never had to dig that one up. What was a humbling moment for me was when he thanked me for being so trustworthy. My company Christmas Card thanked me for my GREAT Effort. WOW now that was a huge compliment and I thanked my boss for saying so. All in all what a fantastic way to finish a year which had some rather large trials and tribulations.

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